Your crop protection specialists
in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland
Truro Agromart Limited is locally owned, affiliated with the Agronomy Company of Canada. Situated in the Hub of Nova Scotia, Truro Agromart is well located to service the agriculture industry in the Maritime region.

Specializing in fertilizer, seed, and crop protection, our team of Certified Crop Advisors is well equipped to help our clients achieve their crop production goals. From planting to harvest, our team are your crop production partners every step of the way.
Your crop protection specialists
in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland
Truro Agromart Limited is locally owned, affiliated with the Agronomy Company of Canada. Situated in the Hub of Nova Scotia, Truro Agromart is well located to service the agriculture industry in the Maritime region.

Specializing in fertilizer, seed, and crop protection, our team of Certified Crop Advisors is well equipped to help our clients achieve their crop production goals. From planting to harvest, our team are your crop production partners every step of the way.
Cutting-edge technologies and innovation
We strive to offer technologies and practices that move our industry forward, optimizing yields, quality, and efficiencies. We are continuously learning, trialing new products, and participating in local research initiatives.

Cutting-edge technologies and innovation
We strive to offer technologies and practices that move our industry forward, optimizing yields, quality, and efficiencies. We are continuously learning, trialing new products, and participating in local research initiatives.

Meet the Truro Team
Our management and sales staff live in, farm, and contribute to rural communities throughout Northern, Central and Western Nova Scotia, with first-hand experience in sectors including Dairy, Beef, Poultry, Fruits & Veggies, Grains, and Wild Blueberries. We are farmers ourselves, so we understand, and we care about your operation. You will see us around community and industry events supporting our farmers, their families, and our collective future in Agriculture.

Meet the Truro Team
Our management and sales staff live in, farm, and contribute to rural communities throughout Northern, Central and Western Nova Scotia, with first-hand experience in sectors including Dairy, Beef, Poultry, Fruits & Veggies, Grains, and Wild Blueberries. We are farmers ourselves, so we understand, and we care about your operation. You will see us around community and industry events supporting our farmers, their families, and our collective future in Agriculture.

Read about Truro
Read about Truro